Love is at the core of Paramita Path teachings and filling your heart with Love is essential in the practice of meditation. The heart is the connection to the Creator’s Love and by dissolving in this Love, you are able to bring more Light to yourself, reach the higher states of consciousness and immerse yourself in the Love of our Creator. In the meditations offered in this section, you open your spiritual heart to the Creator’s Love and your love for all beings. From your heart, this space of infinite possibilities, you bring in the Light that will assist you in dissolving in the Love at the core of your being. Once you are filled with Divine Love, you radiate this Love to others, loving others unconditionally and with true compassion. You become a true beacon of Pure Love.
Alba offers private sessions based on guided meditations to support and facilitate your journey into the peace of your inner being.
Meditations for Spiritual Evolution

In the Paramita Path you can sustain a meditation practice easily as the meditations are guided. Each meditation gently guides you through a process of opening your heart and bringing Light to your being. The meditations offer the spiritual progression and often leaps needed to open your heart and attain higher levels of awareness.
The meditations are designed to guide you to a state of relaxation that makes possible feeling the deep peace within. Once in a state of inner peace, you begin to feel your spiritual heart and this allows you to open to the flow of a radiant and powerful Light. You bring the Divine Light into your physical environment at deeper levels and you are guided through Light-filled processes to transform your thoughts and dissolve dense emotions. You explore the higher planes of Light as your consciousness rises to a more elevated vibration. You are guided to recognize your true divine identity and expand your states of consciousness to resonate with the divine being that you are.
In this meditation you feel your Divine Self within and connect to its great Light. You open to the Light of your Divine Self and align to it. This allows you to move into the Infinite Light that you are. With your Divine Self guiding, you remove aspects of the ego and any other limitations so that you may emerge as the Infinite Light that you are.
Dense emotions, such as stress, frustration, fear, anger and many others; block divine Light from flowing to your heart easily. It is important to work with these dense emotions, dissolve them and replace them with the beautiful qualities of the heart. In this meditation the light in your heart expands and generates more Light, filling your physical and energy bodies with radiant beauty. A field of radiant Light is created in your being and your surroundings that dissolves the density of your emotions and all other dense energy. In this field of Light specific dense energies are dissolved. Also dissolved is the grip these emotions have on you and that bring you out of the present moment and make it difficult to feel your heart, to feel the Creator’s presence within you. When these dense emotions are dissolved, you are filled with the beautiful qualities of Pure Love, such as peace, generosity and joy.
In this meditation you ascend to the highest planes of Light. You become Light and your Light body expands allowing you to consciously journey through the dimensions of Light. You expand toward the universe to fuse your being with the Creator’s heart, our beloved Source. You enjoy the Creator’s Pure Love and you surrender to this Love. You acquire new patterns of thinking, being and acting that are based on divine Love and devotion to the Creator. Your ability to feel a more elevated level of love grows as you synchronize with the Creator’s heart. You feel your union with the Creator as you enter into His heart and you become One with divine Love.
Divine Will is a powerful source of transformation at all levels. This meditation assists you in aligning every level of your being with Divine Will, with the will of your Infinite Self, the will of the planet and the will of existence. Your will becomes one with Divine Will. A flow of Light is called to assist you so that everything you do, every decision you make is in harmony with Divine Will, in harmony with your highest purpose.
There is a Light within your heart that has the capacity to activate, grow and generate more Light. In this meditation, you bring divine Light from the highest planes to activate the light in your heart. The light adds more splendor to your heart and your heart begins to radiate a beautiful and radiant light. Your heart aligns to the light and more light is born within you. With all the Light that your heart generates, you feel radiate the Light of pure love to your thoughts, actions and words. With Pure Love in your heart you reach high levels of awareness.
During these times of great transformation, we are capable of elevating our vibration sufficiently so that we may leave behind the old world of dense energies and inhabit a new world of elevated frequencies. In this meditation you surrender to the Creator’s Pure Love, dissolve the borders of your mental, emotional and energy bodies so more Light can flow through you. The obstacles that limit you, dissolve in the Light. You connect your heart with your mind and your inner wisdom is activated. You let go of your resistance to let go the old world of density and shadows. You invoke the Light of transformation and you bring to this Light all resistance you may have to letting go the reality of the old world. In the Light of transformation you release all resistance until only Light dwells in your heart. You free yourself from the specific attachments that keep you tied to the old world. And you let everything go feeling deep gratitude for everything the old world has given you. In this way, you can move freely to the new world of higher vibration.
Often we forget who we are. As we move through the distractions of daily life, we identify with external things and we believe that our outer world defines us. In this meditation you are guided to increase your frequencies and you become aware of the Creator’s presence within you. You are conscious of the divine self that you are. You feel Pure Love in your heart and the Light of this Love becomes brighter, more luminous. You remember who you are: a spark of Light eternally connected with our Creator. You realize that you deserve a life dedicated to a mission of Light, a life in complete awareness that you are a divine being. You are Love.
Your mind is a vehicle for the expression of your Infinite Self. Ideally, you use your mind to create a life filled with joy and peace, to receive inspiration and fulfill the plan for your life. In this meditation you acquire the necessary qualities of consciousness that allow you to transform your thoughts. You let go of thoughts that bring you out of the present moment, you release unnecessary and recurring thoughts and you transform the activities of the mind that deprive you of peace and wellbeing, that keep you uncentered and impede awareness of your Infinite Self within. A beautiful Light, from the highest planes of Light, radiates all your limiting thoughts and in their place creative and inspired ideas flow to you. Your mind, your thoughts become vehicles to plan, to realize your ideas, communicate and become an instrument for the expression of Love.
Your mind is a vehicle for the expression of your Infinite Self. Ideally, you use your mind to create a life filled with joy and peace, to receive inspiration and fulfill the plan for your life. In this meditation you acquire the necessary qualities of consciousness that allow you to transform your thoughts. You let go of thoughts that bring you out of the present moment, you release unnecessary and recurring thoughts and you transform the activities of the mind that deprive you of peace and wellbeing, that keep you uncentered and impede awareness of your Infinite Self within. A beautiful Light, from the highest planes of Light, radiates all your limiting thoughts and in their place creative and inspired ideas flow to you. Your mind, your thoughts become vehicles to plan, to realize your ideas, communicate and become an instrument for the expression of Love.
You begin this meditation by filling your heart with divine Love. Once in a state of peace and calmness, a beautiful healing Light flows to you, the Light of Pure Love. You then purify and heal your physical, mental, emotional bodies and your entire energy system with this healing, purifying Light.